Petconnect is a food dispensing device that connects pet owners to their pets remotely.
The app supplements the product with features such as interacting with the pet, creating a feeding schedule, and communicating with other users.


• Design Process •
An initial problem I faced while designing the home screen was organizing the home screen in an clean way while maintaining all of the necessary features. I ended up with creating an additional bar with icons representing each feature.
The schedule screen follows the same colors and style as the home screen. As there are a lot of information and options for the users, I sorted the text like a table. I decided to group each schedule in separated boxes for clarity.
As Petconnect is a picture-based product, I wanted the community feed to reflect it with a larger emphasis on image rather than text. The user can scroll through the feed and easily interact with other users. They are also encouraged to post their own posts.

RU is a campus quiz app intended to test students at the University of Rochester on their campus knowledge. The app includes a home screen, quiz screen, result screen, and settings screen.

Design Features
Consistent use of university colors in a simple and cohesive design
Clear distinction of the current page from other tabs through visual indicators
Subtle separation of the settings page into two sections: quiz settings and accessibility settings
Visual hierarchy that ensures important information is easy to grasp at a glance